Combatting Mask-ne.

The Clinic Skin Health

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Have you noticed the skin on your face becoming more sensitive or reactive during or after wearing a mask?

Maskne is a combination of the words of mask and acne. This word or condition has become incredibly more prevalent with the rise of Covid-19 and the dramatic increase in wearing of masks. Maskne tends to affect areas around nose, mouth and chin, those areas covered by a face mask and can present as pimples or irritated skin. It is exacerbated by friction and the damp environment that is created under our masks from our breath.

It is generally caused by a bacterial imbalance. We naturally have bacteria that live on our skin’s surface and usually cause us little harm. When the environment changes though, the bacteria can multiply and our immune system may not manage the inflammation well.


Here are some tips from The Clinic Skin Health Team to stay on top of unpredictable skin behavior due to mask usage.

  • If wearing a fabric mask, wash your mask daily – in unscented laundry liquid – synthetic fragrance and harsh detergents can remain on fabric, even after washing, and cause irritation.

  • Wash your face with a gentle, milk-based cleanser so as not to strip your skin of natural oils. Ideally, do this once you arrive home after wearing your mask.

  • Continue with regular routine of hydration and serums

  • Avoid makeup if possible

  • Maskne can be caused by friction, go for a soft material, silk if possible

  • If possible, have a LED treatment (or more) – boost your skins natural immune response and support healing

  • Determine if your maskne is more oil-influenced or irritated skin by checking in with your Dermal Clinician – then we can ensure you are on the right products to support your skin.

  • Throw away disposable masks after each use

  • Remove mask for 15 mins every 4 hours if possible


Some of our favourite home care products to combat Maskne include

  • Beta Gel; to heal and rebuild skin immunity

  • Serum Iribiol; for pimple spot treatment

  • Acutrol Powder; anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties as well as healing properties. Acutrol under mask will absorb excess moisture from breath

  • Bio Magic Masque; contains bentonite & kaolin clay. Bentonite will help with oily skin that needs purification, Kaolin will support a dryer skin that needs help with detoxification

  • Masque VIP 02; removes impacts of pollution and combats free radical damage

  • Mystic CBD infused C; support healing and barrier repair.

If you feel that you are struggling to manage changes in your skin please come in for a chat to discuss what can be done to help you on your skin health journey.


Skincare, Self-Love & Supplements.


Skin maintenance: why regular in-clinic treatments are as important as a good at-home routine.