Skincare, Self-Love & Supplements.

Cara Ho.


I thought we would dedicate this blog to health and wellness from the inside.

I feel it aptly timed as we are all affected in some way by the current ‘C word’ climate (C***D). It is putting stress on our bodies in different ways, some of you will see it in your skin others will notice it in other ways, disruption to hormones, digestive system, fluid retention, mood changes etc.

Here at The Clinic Skin Health, we are approachable, inspired, and compassionate. We promote health and sovereignty, encouraging our customers to take charge of their health autonomously, working in alignment with their own unique body system and lifestyle. I love this quote “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished” Lao Tzu 

We are always in a hurry and say "I don’t have time to do xxxxx", what we have been offered right now is time. Time to re-set better habits and feel the benefits of those changes. Whether these changes are eating better, taking your supplements when you are supposed to, doing a digestive tune-up, trying to re-set your bodies response to stress which will better aid you for life ahead we can all do these things now.

I have an auto-immune condition yet manage it very effectively through diet, lifestyle, and the right supplementation. When Hugo was twelve months old we took him to a bird Avery here in Canberra, In the months thereafter I was so ill with respiratory problems that I had NEVER had in my life. I took myself to my gorgeous doctor and we did some tests, it worked to that I had the bird flu! I couldn’t believe it my immune system was so low that my young son didn’t contract it but I did. It was a culmination of working, studying, and being a first-time Mum I feel led me to this vulnerable state of health. 

It was at this point I decided to take stock of the situation and see health differently. It wasn’t just about eating healthy and exercising I needed to rebuild my health, that is my immune system. This is when my research led me to medicinal mushrooms. They were not foreign to me as I have Asian heritage and have been exposed to them during my life but I never saw them more than “those smelly Chinese herbs”. Fast forward eight years and my immune system is better than it has every been, my hormones are balanced, fluid retention which is something I suffered from before a period I don’t have, and my digestion and detoxification systems are functioning as they should.

As I move into the next phase of my life, peri-menopause I will be faced with more health challenges, the brain begins to prune itself, enter forgetfulness and brain fog, the immune system begins to relay itself which is important to nurture because of how it does this can set us up for disease and ailments moving forward, and all the mood and metabolism-enhancing benefits of progesterone begin to decline - Joy!

While I can’t prevent it I can nurture the process and dramatically soften the impact these changes have on my body and health. While we all have our own approach to health and pathways in which we can venture down whether its natural, western medicine or a combination of both we all need to have more information so we can make better and more informed decision when t comes to our health at these very pivotal times in our life.

For women aged 35 years and over, I implore you to purchase the book hard copy or audio of Lara Briden called the Hormone Repair Manual it will offer you a great insight into preparing yourself for what has been dubbed you second puberty! For those young 18-35 years old read The Period Repair Manual also by Lara Briden this can inform you and change the course of your decisions now that may impact you in the future.

Anyway, back to all things Mushrooms there are many to choose from and they all perform different functions. The best way to start is the Masons Mushroom Blend as it will cover off all a bit of hormone and digestion, MSM, and Ashwaghanda. Yes, they don’t taste great but you get used to it! Now you can get a few of the mushies in capsule form which is great for those that can’t stand the smell.

Stay tuned on Instagram to see what I take every morning!

If you would like some assistance with the supplements please reach out. You can see what each out them do here on our website.

Until then here is a recipe you can do using some of the supplements:


This one is for those of you wanting to embody detoxification through the organs & shine from the inside out! The pairing of Schizandra & MSM will promote super healthy skin, will beautify the liver, improve nail & hair health & you’ll feel the glow!


◊ 1tsp SuperFeast Schizandra

◊ 1/2-1tsp SuperFeast MSM

◊ 1tsp honey

◊ Juice of 1 lemon or lime

◊ Pinch of sea salt

◊ 300ml warm water (just hot enough to dissolve the ingredients, roughly 60 degrees)


1. Stir until completely dissolved & enjoy the detox magic!


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Combatting Mask-ne.