The Clinic Skin Health

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Navigating your skin during the holidays.

Skin & Holidays, my two favourite things. However, hand in hand they sometimes aren’t the best for each other.

We have the tendency to eat more, drink more, and party more (as we should), but there are things we can do to aid our bodies through this so we don’t feel so bleh.

Use our 5 steps below to help your body this holiday period:

Step 1: Supplements

Ensure you are taking your supplements every day, if you don’t take any check below for the best ones to introduce for beginners.

You might be reading this and thinking that supplements are a waste of time and that they don’t do anything and a small part of that is true. Supplements will not help unless you take them consistently which more often than not people don’t so you never get the full benefits, but they do work if you are consistent, they work and they work well. Supplements will not cure diseases, BUT they will help your body function to the best of its ability, they will help your organs, brain & all other systems perform as they should. When you are drinking more, eating more, and perhaps sleeping less your body will not be performing its best - supplements will help! Plus we all know how it can feel after all those feasts!!! (and no sleep).

Supps for beginners:

Step 2: At-home treatments

They are important as a normal part of your skin regime but they are crucial to maintaining your skin health over the holiday period. We recommend (at a minimum) one at-home treatment a week but ideally, it would be two. This could just be a masque or deeper exfoliation than your P50. A great pair is:

If you have masques or at-home treatments at home but are unsure how to use them please let us know because they are beneficial for your skin. It is always something fun to do before an event but try to do it on a regular and make it a family event (or as some peace and quiet for yourself)

Step 3: Sleep

We all know that sleep is good for your body and “all that” but when you sleep, your skin heals. It’s when the collagen in your skin is developed when your skin cells and any damage to your barrier repairs. Have you ever had a horrible sleep and thought your skin looks and feels horrible? It’s not just a coincidence that it is not as bright or happy - it quite literally has not had enough time to repair and heal itself so in return it doesn’t look as good.

If you are struggling to sleep Ashwagandha is a brilliant (and natural) way to aid sleep. As well as the usual, avoid technology or artificial light in general, alcohol, caffeine, etc.

Step 4: Water

It’s simple, and you already know this! Regardless you should be drinking a minimum of 1 litre of water per day, BUT it will be hot, and you will be already more dehydrated than usual so do your body, your skin and your health a favour and drink some water!! (please)

Step 5: Exercise

We all know it’s good for the body but how is it good for your skin? Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to your cells throughout your body and your skin - as well as oxygen it also helps remove and detox the working cells such as free radicals. It also helps reduce and balance your hormone levels, all working together to promote healthier skin and body.

Holidays can be exhausting but they can also be fun, especially if you are functioning to the best of your ability. Haven fun, be generous and stay healthy!

Also, do your future self a favour and book your January appointment now and kick the year off with a good start for your skin :)